Thursday, January 12, 2012

Quick government class multiple choice questions- really easy- please help for upcoming quiz?

27) All of the following are accurate US demographic trends in recent years except

A) there is a growing minority majority.

B) the largest growth ethnicity is the Hispanic population.

C) the average age of an American is getting older .

D) Americans are leaving the southern and western coastal regions and moving to the Great Lakes and heartland region.

28) The political impact of the graying of America is that

A) the issues of medicare and social security is consistently on the political agenda.

B) the United States is doomed.

C) Issues such as head start programs and family daycare will receive more federal monies.

31) One of the effects of growing older on political learning and political behavior is that

A) interest in politics decreases.

B) people become more liberal.

C) the strength of one's party attachment declines.

D) political participation increases.

E) aging increases a person's trust in government.

38) Which of the following is TRUE of most conservatives in American politics?

A) They believe we should spend much less on the military budget.

B) They favor the current status quo and do not want to make any major changes in government policy.

C) They favor free market solutions to problems rather than looking to the government for regulating business.

D) They are opposed to prayer in public schools.

E) They are in favor of affirmative action programs.Quick government class multiple choice questions- really easy- please help for upcoming quiz?
27. d

28. a

31. d

38. cQuick government class multiple choice questions- really easy- please help for upcoming quiz?
b b c c

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