Thursday, January 19, 2012

History, please help!?

1. After about 1825, factories began to be located near

A. rivers.

B. coal mines.

C. the ocean.

D. cotton fields.

2. Which of the following natural resources was most important for the early development of industry in Great Britain?

A. coal

B. iron ore

C. water

D. timber

3. John Kay’s invention of the “flying shuttle” led to

A. the expansion of slavery in Great Britain.

B. the invention of the spinning jenny.

C. a rise in the price of cloth.

D. many weavers losing their jobs.

4. Which of the following countries was the first to industrialize?

A. The United States

B. Great Britain

C. France

D. Japan

5. How did industrialization hurt skilled craft workers working in the cottage industry?

A. It led to the creation of unions.

B. It led to a shortage of raw materials.

C. It shifted populations from the countryside to the city.

D. It undercut prices for their products.

6. Which of the following was an effect of the factory system on both workers and society?

A. More people joined the middle class.

B. Workers became more skilled.

C. The price of products increased.

D. Workers dealt directly with merchants.

7. Mass production, which created an increase in the quantity of goods produced, led to

A. more consumer goods available to more people.

B. the need for skilled men to operate machinery.

C. an increase in the cost of factory-made goods.

D. an increase in the number of workers needed by factories.

8. _____________________ enabled the United States to industrialize rapidly.

A. A wealth of natural resources and a large labor force

B. The importation of industrial equipment from Europe

C. A strong U.S. Navy and Merchant Marine

D. The criminalization of the labor movement

9. Industrialization had which of the following effects on middle-class people?

A. They worked harder than ever before.

B. They now had time and money to spend on leisure.

C. They became active in the labor movement.

D. Their standard of living decreased.

10. Britain’s colonial empire fueled the development of industry in Britain because

A. the colonies provided raw materials and markets for British products.

B. the war machine required quick and efficient production of goods.

C. the colonies provided slave labor to work in factories.

D. the colonies produced industrial equipment for Britain.

11. Which of the following was a negative result of the growth of the textile industry in Great Britain?

A. Fewer cotton farms in Great Britain

B. The huge population growth in the country

C. The expansion of agriculture in India

D. The spread of slavery in the United States

12. A region in northwestern England became known as the “black country” because

A. a large number of slaves worked in industry.

B. iron-smelting factories polluted the air.

C. industries located there were all immensely profitable.

D. the sand on the beaches was dark gray.

13. The Luddite movement emerged in order

A. to agitate for the ten-hour day.

B. to oppose industrial changes that were putting weavers out of work.

C. to control strikes in British industries.

D. to abolish child labor in factories.

14. What led to the growth of the middle class?

A. The industry needed managers and other mid-level employees.

B. Profits increased from small, family-owned farms.

C. The prices of manufactured goods increased.

D. There were more universities.

15. The mercantile system in Britain was replaced by

A. entrepreneurship.

B. socialism.

C. department stores.

D. laissez-faire economics.

16. According to Marx and Engels, establishing a society based on cooperation and equal distribution of wealth would require

A. an energy crisis.

B. the development of a wealthy industrial class.

C. universal public education.

D. a revolution.

17. Negative effects of industrialization included crowded, dirty cities and

A. a decrease in the size of the middle class.

B. work that required a few easily learned skills.

C. polluted air and water.

D. greater demand for raw materials.

18. The inventor James Watt developed _________________ that was a crucial innovation in industrialization.

A. a spinning frame

B. an efficient steam engine

C. a cotton gin

D. an assembly line

19. The idea of separate spheres implied that

A. women and men should work side by side in industry.

B. men provided moral guidance in the business world.

C. women stayed home while men financially supported the family.

D. boys and girls should be educated separately.

20. Beginning in the Industrial Revolution, Eli Whitney made the production of cotton more profitable by inventing a machine that

A. produced cotton clothing.

B. spun cotton into thread.

C. harvested cotton plants.

D. removHistory, please help!?
I don't know them all, so I'll try and answer as much as I can.













Sorry I couldn't be of more help.History, please help!?



















20 interchangeable parts?

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