Thursday, January 19, 2012

A dream about food from another world and an object that kept the world good?

It was like I knew people from Mars and I wanted to buy food from there. After being there I saw markets of food from there. It seemed to be perfectly nutritious and a taste that i liked. The astrologers (I believe) refer to Mars as conflict. It seemed to me to be peaceful and spiritual.

This object had 7 pieces that had to be collected and put together. I never seen what the world would be without 1 and especially 7. 1 was taken away and the world became polluted, like everything was covered in dark gray grime. People talked in a rude and unexpressive way. I saw buildings like churches that were small and thought 'who could fit in there?' . I thought 'how could the first pieces have been collected it would have been quite a conquest' the piece was brought back and A went to humble chapel (not too small).

I even saw a levitated food plate in a hospital.A dream about food from another world and an object that kept the world good?
hello, Interesting dream, I think what is more important than anything is how you FELT during the dream. We can dream of something aweful but in the dream feel good doing it ,in which case it usually symbolizes something else. people think that they can buy a dream interpretation book and have their questions answered but this is simply not true. Considering we are the sum of all our life experiences, it only makes sense that an object in a dream may mean one thing to you and something totally different to me(i.e. you may have a had a certain experience in a chapel in the past that gives you an unique view of one)

it is also helpful to know that there is no such thing as an inanimate object in a dream,that object is an extension of your consciousness,

so take the things that stand out and try describing them like you would describe them to someone who has never heard of them before like someone from another planet. How would describe Mars,food,markets,astrologers,the dark gray grime and pollution, a church,and a hospital?

I do think it is interesting that Mars was the specific planet you dreamt of,considering all of our(NASA) efforts to get there not to mention we are ending the age of mars(2012) and begining the age of Aquarius(not that I subscribe 100% to astrology or anything)

I'm curious more than anything about the overall feeling of the dream.

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