Sunday, January 1, 2012

I think my best friend is jealous of me?

I think that my best friend is jealous of me, i've only known her a year and a half and we're like sisters. We live in mexico (i speak english better than spanish, but im mexican) and when we met on the first day on junior high, she told me she was from mexico city and a lot of crap that she had been to every state in mexico and blah blah, i think she thought that it would make me jealous or something. What i didn't tell her about me was that i had lived in the USA for 3 years (here its considered wealthy people the ones that have lived there) and 1 year in england (i don't like to say that to people because they think that i'm rich) so later i told her and she never mentioned about her vacations all over the country. And after that she told me she had a huge house and it was extremely awesome, what i didn't tell her was that we have a house in the most exclusive and expensive part of the state of chihuahua(where we live), so i went to her house one day (she didn't know where i lived and had never gone to my house) and she was showing off a lot of things that are minuscule compared to mine, so she asked if she could go to mine, and well, I told her yes just to be polite. When she came over to mine, she was astonished to find out that my house is huge and more than 4 times larger than hers, so she got all jealous and criticized all the stuff from my room and was asking if i got it at the local flea market! and then she pointed to the trunk, which she said it was very old. Well it wasn't, and that's where i blew my head off, i had gotten so tired of all her jealousy and then i rubbed it in her face. That trunk, i got it on a trip to italy with my parents, it's made of genuine dark brown italian leather and inside all my memoirs from my trips. I had tons of pictures from italy, paris, germany, spain, Czechoslovakia, canada, holland, Belgium, ireland, all my pictures of my house and school in london, i had souvenirs: jewelry, purses, shirts, books of art, an ancient german clock, and well after that she shut up. She never wanted to go to my house again.

Here in mexico it's also considered that upper class, and middle class go to the USA shopping like every 2 months. Im upper class. So when i go i buy all my clothes at abercrombie and fitch. So one time i had only just gone for the weekend, and it got really cold, so to school we're allowed to wear hoodies over the school sweater, and long sleeved shirts underneath the normal polo one. I took my a%26amp;f hoodie (i like the brand because people think its really overpriced and only wear aeropostale) and my bf got jealous again, so i took it off 'cause i was feeling a bit uncomfortable having her stare at me, and i realized that i was wearing also an a%26amp;f long sleeved shirt. She stared at me even more. The next day she took a hoodie too, and a long sleeved shirt exactly like mine yesterday except with the words aeropostale written along the arm. I took it that day too, except this time, gray.The next 2 days she was absent 'cause she had gone shopping to the USA. The day she had gone to school again, i took a blue shirt, and a red abercrombie hoodie, and she took a gray shirt (aeropostale) and a pink hoodie. i was like, why does it say aerie instead of aero (i had never heard of that brand before) and she said: oh, i bought clothes at a diferent store this time, its called aerie by abercrombie and i also bought a lip gloss there for 8 dollars. i think she thought that i was stupid, i know aerie isn't by abercrombie, its by american eagle, and i think she was trying to make me feel jealous. Is my best friend really jealous of me? or am i jumping to conclusions?|||Yes, she's jealous. She shouldn't be, because you guys were friends before all this happened and you treated her the same %26amp; stuff.. She's making a mountain out of a mole hill. Who cares what you have or what she has?.. You should just tell her to chill out.. That you can't help that your parents are better off than hers %26amp; can afford nicer things for you. If you still want to be friends with her, just tell her that what she has or doesn't have doesn't matter to you %26amp; you just wanted to be friends with her because you thought she was a nice person. If she continues on with the jealousy thing, then I'd just have to part ways with her. Doesn't mean you can't still be friends, but I'd definitely start spending less time with her and try to find other friends to hang out with, that either don't care that you're more well off or that are on your parent's level or above.

I don't know how old you are or whatever, but you aren't rich, your parents are. You don't have control over the finances or where you live or etc.. That's all your parents. Your friends can't control that stuff any more than you can, so it shouldn't matter. Just find some nice friend that will like you for who you are, not what you have. If your friend can't do that or just won't do that, then maybe she's not that great of a friend to you.

Also, you do seem a little stuck up. Maybe she feels like she has to try to impress you all the time %26amp; try to keep up with you, because she feels like you're looking down at her or something. People are weird. You should bring up the issue and just ask her what's going on, in a nice way, of course. I'd also try to reassure the girl that you value her friendship %26amp; want to be friends regardless of what either one of you has or doesn't have.. If that doesn't work, then give her the boot or start spending less time with her %26amp; find friends that don't care if you've got more/better stuff than them.|||shes probably jealous|||Of you rich wtf are you still in mexico?|||She iz jus jealous... But dnt worryy ur better|||She sounds like she's trying to make you think she is rich. Idk...kinda seems a little jealous. I have a friend like that. If I say I got this! (not trying to rub it in but just sharing my excitement) and she's like well I have this this this and this. She tries to one up me all the time. I just don't even care any more. Just say "Oh, that's cool!" Don't let her see that it bothers you.|||Oh your frend is totally jelous! I live in the USA and arie is by American eagle. Your "friend" shouldnt be showing off 2 u like that. Same thing goes on @ my school. I wear hollister and abercrombie, whereas Other girls wear aeropostle. I go to a private school, %26amp; some of my friends get jelous because my parents own an expensive resterUnt. It gets little tough, and I try 2 keep my mouth shut, and I don't show off like u. Good luck with your friend, and byeee|||She sounds like one of those people that want to be dominant in a friendship( which I really don't get) I had a similar occurrence at the beginning of the 9 th grade. A kid ( now my good friend ) wanted to be the dominant one. Once I saw him starting to do this I said," I got no problem bein friends but I won't be the ***** friend, so back off or we'll have problems." I'm a guy so it might be different for you but just tell her flat out just quit doin what your doin or we'll have a problem|||Don't worry about it she is just Gealous! you seem like a nice gal don't let that get to your head. Mabe she does like you just have to ask! :D|||wow girl, what a story. Haha if what you're saying is true, then definitely she's extremely jealous. I think if the class difference is making both of you uncomfortable, then she isn't reallllly a friend. That's not just envy, that's ugly jealousy there.|||Yes.

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