Sunday, January 8, 2012

Anyone know this caterpillar?

I live in Okinawa Japan. I found this caterpillar at the fruit market this morning, and I'd love to let my kids watch it turn into a moth or butterfly, but I want to make sure its not poisonous or anything first. Can anyone tell me?

It is a speckled dark gray, smooth caterpillar. It is segmented. Between the segments is a faint cream colored stripe that goes across it. On each segment, there's a spot on either side. The spot looks like one of those cat's eye gems, black with yellow in the middle. There are 10 of these. Then near its head, there are 2 spots on either side that are black circles, lined with yellow. It's head is long with little yellow and white dots on either side, running down to the mouth. Then there's a little tail on it's butt that is black with a white tip and it bobs around as it moves.

Thanks so much!|||it does sound like a hawk moth caterpillar to me... but even if you dont know what kind of caterpillar it is... its colors dont indicate that its poisonous... if it were a toxic bug, they'd probably have more 'warning' colors like yellows and blacks|||Look at an insect field guide online.|||(gasp) i know that caterpillar!! Spotty!! Thats my pet!!! thank u soo much for letting me know!! just send him over here in the US in a little bug container please, i lost him 2 years ago!! im surprised he still hasnt changed into a butterfly......;鈥?/a>|||Yeah! i've heard of those befores, i owned 7 of them but then sophie(my pet owl) attacked

there called like brain something?

maybe brain suckiing? or something like that.

just call the sophie line.|||i would go to google and look up pictures poisonous caterpillars and see if it is on there

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