Sunday, January 8, 2012

Why do republicans use the word "liberal" as a bad term?

Do they even know what the definition of liberal is?? Liberal--broad: showing or characterized by broad-mindedness; "a broad political stance"; "generous and broad sympathies"; "a liberal newspaper"; "tolerant ...

having political or social views favoring reform and progress

tolerant of change; not bound by authoritarianism, orthodoxy, or tradition

a person who favors a political philosophy of progress and reform and the protection of civil liberties

big: given or giving freely; "was a big tipper"; "the bounteous goodness of God"; "bountiful compliments"; "a freehanded host"; "a handsome allowance"; "Saturday's child is loving and giving"; "a liberal backer of the arts"; "a munificent gift"; "her fond and openhanded grandfather"

a person who favors an economic theory of laissez-faire and self-regulating markets

free: not literal; "a loose interpretation of what she had been told"; "a free translation of the poem"

Then the definition of conservative---resistant to change

having social or political views favoring conservatism

cautious: avoiding excess; "a conservative estimate"

a person who is reluctant to accept changes and new ideas

button-down: unimaginatively conventional; "a colorful character in the buttoned-down, dull-grey world of business"- Newsweek

a member of a Conservative Party

God shoot me if I ever became a conservative!!|||You've got a wonderful understanding of what is happening. You see the right wing conservatives as they are. They often stand for ideas that are steeped in centuries old principles that may be originated in religion and old school nationalism. The progressive ideas move beyond that to an understanding of todays world and the realities our current world needs. They view old school views on matters as current needs and they don't fit. We always need progressive view to move us forward.|||because it is.|||ok - why do liberals use the term then? because it surely doesn't fit the people who claim they are liberal...|||Because they are bigoted and they think that''s good.|||Liberals were originally like today's conservatives. The terms are relative to the day 'n age they were used. The term "liberal" has been hijacked by marxists.|||the ex leader(of the G-O-P) said it best."keep repeating, to catapult the propaganda".....|||it depends what kind of liberal you are. if your a radical then yeah i use it as a bad term . i think the bad liberals are the ones who think that government is god.|||There is a big problem when you start seeing things in text book definitions. In physics we call it physics land, because we learn through experience that there are too many variables in the real world to be accounted for.|||It shows that the conservatists are retarded.|||Because in the context of the modern Liberal it is.|||We aren't talking about the classic definition of the word Liberal. It has changed over the years.

Have you been asleep or just not paying attention?

When we use the word liberal, we use it for specific reasons. 1. It is an accurate description. 2. Liberals hate the word. That's why they want to be called progressives. We can't let that happen. We will call them what we want.

Why do Liberals call everyone who disagrees with them racist? Are they intellectually lazy?|||BECAUSE YOU MAKE IT A BAD TERM|||Don't know because it's farther from the truth. They are not liberals at all. I love the fact that most of them support a party with a donkey as their mascot. That's fitting.|||Your so full of it and you know it. (not sarcasm). The liberals have ceased using that term, because modern liberalism is exposed for being deceitful in that you call for positive change when its only goal is to destroy our society. You call everyone who disagrees with you a racists. In other words you might as well call Martin Luther King one too.

Kings message was one of unity, where liberals want nothing more than divisiveness among the people. You will never call yourself American, and that is calling, not ours.|||For the same reason that liberals use the word "conservative" as a bad term.

Politics makes people angry.|||I thought liberal meant liar backstabber communist loving freedom hating freak|||Liberalism or Libertarianism is the polar opposite of Authoritarianism.

Socialism is the polar opposite of Capitalism.

Liberal = South

Socialist = West

Authoritarian = North

Capitalist = East

American Politicians are predominantly North Eastern. Even the "liberal" ones.

Its a bad term because few care to learn what it really means. It suggests lax, and conservatives would like it to remain this way.|||That's all they've got. When someone doesn't spew their lame rhetoric, they either call the person a "lib/dem" or they cuss the person for having a DIFFERENT opposing opinion! Just take a look at some of the comments here and you'll see exactly what I'm talking about. I can't count the times that I've heard people on television and other media sources say, "they act worse than kids throwing temper tantrums when they don't get their way geez!"|||Or...maybe "Conservative" is related to the term, "Conservation," which means, "wise use of resources."

If liberals don't want "liberal" used as a bad term, then they should stop the intellectual dishonesty about their agenda, enter into real dialogue about the issues, and stop chipping away at the Constitutional rights of their fellow Americans.|||Like a lot of words it has been corrupted from its original meaning, by people with an agenda.

take the word "gay" has been corrupted from its original meaning. Which meant Happy.

words get messed up because one person or a group want to hide their true meaning. If you say something one way people will be against you. You change a word or two to make it totally different. So people will be with you. They do not want you to see pass the surface, or to remove the mask they put on. If you remove the mask they have, you will see what they truly are. And they do not want anyone to remove that mask until its too late to make a difference. they are counting on you to think with your emotions and take them at face value. And not look under the mask. "The emperor's new clothes"

So which are you ? The one that can see the clothes because only Intelligent people can see, or the one that sees the truth and says something about it.? your choice|||conservative means avoiding excess? Yeah right! Excess is a pillar of conservative thinking.|||conservatives have done all the good stuff in the past for the US but now its liberals turn and we will be the best thing ever to happen to this country and cons can suck it

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