Sunday, January 1, 2012

Summary of my novel [long but worth it]. What do you think?

Blair is a 16-year-old girl whose trauma filled past and everyday choices become a hardship. Blair moves from Idaho to Gray, Maine with her drunk of a mother, Rebecca. Rebecca can鈥檛 hold a steady job and, when flustered and fired in Idaho, she makes a desperate attempt to regain her reputation and they move to a small town in Maine. When arriving at school, Esperanza Rodriquez, peer of Blair and resident in Maine, introduces Blair to the idea of magic. Esperanza tells Blair that both of them are apart of a group nicknamed the Seven Deadly Sinners. Seven teenagers are apart of a magical group that has been inherited down from generations of families for five hundred years, each containing a different magical power. The enemy force is known and they, lead by Jennifer Quail, are fellow classmates of Blair鈥檚.

When Blair鈥檚 powers start adding up, The Sinners conclude shockingly it鈥檚 more than the maximum capacity and that Blair is possibly a reincarnation of Exhalia Valentino, the most powerful magical girl of all, who was the first of their kind, although The Sinners are doubtful. Blair, now realizing to the full extent that she is now the leader of The Sinners, takes responsibility like a slap to the face. Already Blair is caring for her alcoholic mother, who is struggling to hold her job as an anchorwoman for the local news channel.

Blair鈥檚 mother started drinking frequently and becoming violent after Blair鈥檚 father died when she was a child. Throughout the story, Blair has flashbacks of her father that reveal the subtle hints that he was having an affair. Cancer took a hold of him and he dies before carrying out his mission to leave Rebecca and Blair.

When Jennifer Quail and the enemies kidnap Blair and attempt to brainwash her into twisted lies in order to recruit Blair to their side, she is rescued by The Sinners. In flushed anger and revenge, the enemies push Rebecca down a flight of stairs. At the hospital, doctors and a psychologist conclude that Blair鈥檚 mother is an alcoholic and send her to rehab for thirty days. A physically and mentally abandoned Blair is forced to get a job at the local Fish Market, adding more stress. Rebecca arranges for Blair鈥檚 aunt Misae (Missy) to come and take care of Blair.

During one of her shifts at the market, The Sinners have a secret meeting that doesn鈥檛 include Blair. They conclude that they must leave and go train in Maryland, far enough away so the enemy can鈥檛 spy on their plans. Blair cannot come and train because she is already more powerful than them and nothing they do controls her powers.

After thirty days of her mother being in rehab as she鈥檚 being driven home in a taxi, she is killed. Blair then, now physically and mentally abandoned, falls into a depression. Missy plans to stay and take care of Blair until she turns 18 in August and can live on her own. While Blair鈥檚 friends are away, she meets Brandon and Rain, two people who help her return normalcy to her lifestyle. When Missy start鈥檚 disappearing mysteriously, she confides to Blair she has powers and is thrilled to find out Blair does to. This means Blair鈥檚 powers were inherited, just oddly unequal, and that Blair is not Exhalia鈥檚 reincarnation. Missy never had kids so that鈥檚 why she, an adult, still has her powers. Missy decides she will help The Sinners beat the enemy in battle.

When Ezzy realizes that they need more people to win, she does some research and concludes that they can illegally purchase a chemical in Beijing, that is still undergoing tests, to inject into a chosen person for them to temporarily receive powers. Casper, a Sinner, summons chemical testing tubes from China and they save them for battle.

Meanwhile, Ezzy and Shilah鈥檚 parents are doing everything they can to make sure that The Enemy will not win. The inventor of the chemical in Beijing was Shilah鈥檚 dad鈥檚, Sid鈥檚, roommate in college and he invites Sid to come to Beijing for the chemicals. Sid flies to China just to realize the chemicals have been stolen. Little did he know The Sinners had the chemicals all along. A confrontation happens back in Gray, but afterwards it is decided that four close relatives with be injected along with Brandon and Rain to help fight in battle.

The battle is to be set by a church in town with a bell tower. The weak ones of The Sinners will stay up on the bell tower, doing what they can from there, while the stronger ones fight on the ground. Blair is supposed to be in the bell tower since she is still unsure of her powers. While in battle, Jen manages to duplicate herself (that鈥檚 her power) and yank Blair onto the roof. There, it starts to rain and Jen slips off the roof, instantly killing one of her duplicates. The weaker Jen double stumbles off into the woods where Blair finds her. Jen, attempting to escape, tries to cross a train track when her shoelace gets caught and she ends up getting hit by a train right in front of Blair.

The story ends where good wins now that The Enemy|||I think it's a good story, but I think I've come across such plot, maybe in a novel or in a movie, not so sure. But, it's really good, I liked the fact that the magic looks real-not so like Harry Potter, you know.|||Sounds . . . unique. (not in a bad way - I just don't know how else to describe it) You might want to change the group name, The Sinners, to something else, because it might offend some people. (because of their religion, etc) Other than that, it sounds pretty interesting.

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