Sunday, January 1, 2012

Really weird epic dream!?

I have a lot of epic dreams but this one stood out more than most because it was so realistic. I could even make out every single hair on a character's head in the dream. It was also very odd and seemed to apply to my life but i cannot figure it all out. So here is what happened:

I'm walking though a big city, there are many people walking all around me. These people are all wearing suits, and gray and emotionless. I seem to be the only thing in color in the whole city. I am compelled to find my way back to this heaven-like place, where I feel as if i had been to in a previous dream. I am so compelled to go back to this place I feel as if I would do anything to go back, and escape this gray city.Then a voice in my head tells me to find this special tree. I am distressed because there are no trees in this city, but then I look to the side and there is suddenly colorful, not gray garden, which is surrounded by these big cream colored walls blocking it out from the rest of the city. I walk into the garden and find the tree. I climb the tree and the voice tells me to close my eyes and say some word three times. I do it and I suddenly appear in a dark room, that seemed to be carved out of a mountain. The room is full of people that all have huge guns and seem to be part of a black market. I am with a group of my friends that I had met previously before in the heaven-like place. We start speaking this language that I have never heard, but seem to know, to try and coax our way out of this place without being killed. We barley make it out of the cavern, and suddenly appear in the heaven-like place. I know this place, and its whole being fills me with joy. It is a grassy green field. The sun is sparkling and the whole place is shining. Where the field ends there is a sparkling ocean, and behind the field are some mountains. In the middle of the field is a house, but the house is a giant teapot with a wooden door. Gravity is light in this place and you could easily jump 6 feet high with ease. My friends and I start jumping and having fun, but i feel as if i am the slowest and the weakest (much like real life) and I cannot run and jump as fast or as well as the others. One of my friends is amazingly gorgeous and can jump the highest and run the fastest. I envy her and suddenly I feel as if i can barley run anymore, which distresses me almost to a point of insanity. But, then my friends interrupt my failed attempts at running and jumping. They tell me of their plans. My friends and I are apparently some organization created to protect this dragon creature from these authorities that are set on destroying it. The teapot house is our secret head quarters and we hid the dragon in a cavern to the side of the field. I am told that the field is to never be discovered or else this important dragon will be killed. I then agree to help protect the dragon and keep their secrets. I suddenly spot a castle to the corner of the field and run towards it. I walk into the castle and there is a party going on. I am suddenly told that I am the princess of the castle. I feel very important, and proceed to explore my new castle. I walk into a dark office-like hallway. I open one of the doors on the side, and there is a very tall girl with blonde and brunette hair. This girl immediately strikes me as odd and not quite mentally sane, so I am very mean to her for no reason and shut the door. I feel as if I CAN be mean to her because I am the princess and I can do what ever I want. I open the next door in the hallway, and the same girl is in that room also. All she does is stare at me from the dark room. I open another door and she is in that room also. I open every door in the hallway, only to find the same girl just standing there. I now know I cannot escape this hallway without apologizing to this girl. I open one of the doors and apologize. I talk to her for a little while and leave. When I leave the castle I feel remorseful that I was so selfish and mean to this girl. I return back to the teapot house, only to find the dragon creature dead. I was supposed to protect it but instead I had gone to the castle. I feel horrible that I that had gotten so distracted by the castle, that I killed the poor creature.

After I find the dragon dead, I wake up. Any ideas what it could mean??|||No matter where you go you will eventually have to face the parts of yourself that you reject. As represented by the girl. I'd bet that you do not have very nice self talk when talking to your self and beat your own self up quite a bit. I think the message here is to accept yourself for your short comings and honestly try to work on your downfalls instead of trying to get away from them.

Envy~ Isn't it interesting that it wasn't until you started to envy your friend that you started feeling guilty? I think that part of the dream is trying to teach you that being envious is rather poison for you and I'd offer if you see one of your friends being amazing rejoice and say how cool is it that they are good at that or pretty of talented. Instead of envy maybe consider how you can improve. Envy is a toxic emotion.

It's interesting that most people were Gray... Some say in life a lot of people walk around on auto pilot with little thought of spiritual things and symbolically this is referred to being gray

Tree's often time denote things related to your soul and the spiritual realm. I find it interesting that you come across a lot of groups and organizations in your dreams. I would think that either you have a difficult time with the "order of things" like the government or different organizations. Or it's perhaps one of your soul missions to take on and expose corrupt organizations with your friends as you grow in life. Maybe as an Attorney, Reporter or activist.

Guilt I also think it's interesting how you took the full blame for killing the Dragon. You were not the only one assigned to protect the Dragon. Guilt is also toxic it's only purpose is to show us where we need to improve or grow. After we know this it's time to let go of Guilt. Again it' relates I think to your possible negative self talk.

In your life is there a secret you need to protect? Or a part of yourself you believe you need to protect?

Dragon's Sometimes Dragons are very sacred and other times they are not good omens. You need to judge for your self... maybe do some research on dragons and see what resonates for you.

Since the dream was so epic and lifelike plus, you climbed a sacred tree I'd write your dream down with as much clarity as you can manage and refer back to the dream again. Maybe start a dream Journal. I've had a few dreams where I was in a big tree and looking back they were all big messages that revealed important things that I was not seeing when I was not sleeping.|||Oddly enough you perfectly described me... I have very low self esteem and you helped me figure out the part where I am mean to the tall girl. I am very tall and it often makes me feel like an ugly duckling. So the princess was who I wish I was and the tall girl is how I see myself. Thanks so much!!

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|||You are feeling guilt over something you have done, but it seems you keep doing it to others. So the guilt does not go deep. You are confused as to why you feel this way but choose not to acknowledge it but ignore it and hope you don't have to deal with it.

You seem like a nice person but what you are doing is not so nice and you know it. It has hurt people and they have told you, yet you choose to blow it off without a the view of your peers that is, behind the scenes tho you do feel remorse. You know hun, doing what you are doing is not you, it's to satisfy your peers, and one day you will come to realize you are not liking yourself as much for what you have been doing. Hopefully it will be in time to save yourself from a long life of regrets that you may not be able to make up for because it may be too late.

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