Sunday, January 1, 2012

Rate My Story 1-5 Rating Please!!!!!?

1 Out Of 5 Rating Please!

The Blade Of Mryanor

Chapter 1..

Gray eyes peered across the massive clay, wood ,and brick town looking for something. A massive tower loomed over this section of town and on it flew a massive green flag with a purple blade on it. Spread out all over the tower were cross shaped holes in the side of the building, each with an arrow sticking out from it. He looked below him and the small market that bustled with oblivious peasants selling and buying wares. A man in a green uniform holding a purple hilted sword was walking through the crowd watching those who passed. There was no possible way to make the jump without the guard noticing him. Suddenly an idea exploded through his mind and he looked through the crowd for a certain type of person. He spotted a man in rags holding an alluminum cup shaking it at the townspeople that walked by him. The man jumped from the building and landed in a small space in the crowd. Those behind him stared in astonishment but decided to forget about it*. He strode over to the homless man and spoke in a soft yet strong voice, "Would you like to earn half a crown?"

"Oh yes sir, very much sir"

A smile struck his face and he whispered in the mans ear. The mans eyes widend then he stood up and strode forward, taking the half crown and began to walk over to the guard. He turned on his heel and faced the man "May I have the name of my employer?"



Darren then climbed upwards onto the rooftop again, waiting for the out burst. Then suddenly from below a man screamed and Darren pictured a man pointing at a random thug and screaming " He stole my bag!" The guard, doing what he was trained to do spun on his heel and cracked the hilt of the sword on the thugs head. The thugs legs collapsed underneathe him and he sunk to floor face first. As the guard struck the thug Darren launched himself across the building top and landed easily on the other rooftop. He then noticed the ladder that lead up the massive tower. He began to climb it, slowly first then quickly as he relized how strong the wood was. Screams roared from below and he tried to climb ever faster. Four arrows moved towards him as he climbed and shot off, one digging into the side of his leg. He cried out and ripped it from his leg, trying to move even faster. He reaced the top of the building and stared down the ladder. Four guards were climbing the ladder while three others loaded there cross bow. He slide out a blade from his backpack and moved into action. He slit the ropes holding the ladder to the tower. 'Now if i could just ahh there we go' he thought to himself as the ladder toppled and crushed Five guards, the four on the ladder and one of the crossbow men. Two bolts suddenly cracked the bricks beside his head and dug into the stone. Hishands blurred down to his sides as he gripped two small blades from his pockets. He jumped upwards and one bolt missed him while the other dug into his right shoulder blade. He tried to pay no attention to the pain, he knew he had a minute reload time for them. He peered out, one had smartly hidden and the other had tried but he could see the side of his head. The man who was visible heard a whistling noise and the last thing he heard was a crossbow being reloaded. He then collapsed to the floor dead. When the other man popped out he could see nothing, The sun and just pulled behind the tower, casting a dark shadow over him. He heard the thumping of boots hitting the floor. Then a brick struck his skull, knocking him out. Darren stared down at the boots he had dropped down the tower grinning. 'At least i only had to kill on.. Oh yeah.. Six.. Well that could be a problem..' He thought. He noticed that there was about 2 feet of sand atop the tower, he slid out a yellow blanket and curled around the corner. He had at least 3 hours til sunset when the Watch went back to bed. He slid out a book and began to read.


Rate ;P

*People in the city saw this all the time, they relized most of them would be mugged later so why worry about it all now?|||nice job man! 5/5 from me! bravo. keep on writing__________________________

鈼?鈼? 鈼?鈼? _________-----------------_________录 of all men are actually smart, and write stories.|||3star

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