Sunday, January 8, 2012

Is my Maple Syrup fermenting or is it gone bad? Help?

I bought some maple syrup from the farmers market a few months ago and haven't used very much of it. I went to use it on my pancakes last week and noticed it has a weird film floating on the top of the syrup with little gray-like bubble things floating in the film.

I don't remember what maple syrup smells like, but this smelled a little off, almost wine-like but not as potent...

Is my maple syrup still safe to use or has it done bad? I store it in my kitchen cupboard away from the fridge and stove so it stays at a nice temperature. Any advice on what to do?

Thanks!|||Skim the film from the top, pour the syrup in a saucepan and bring to a boil. Pour into containers and store in the refrigerator, not the cupboard. We keep a half gallon in the freezer, it doesn't freeze, and store a container of it in the fridge for use. I learned this from my husband, his family had a sugar shack on the farm he was raised on, so he should know.|||When they bottle it it is warm, it has a bit of film due to the sugar crystals that form, if it was bad it would be cloudy, when you opened it there would be a pop, it was fermenting it would have a eggy almost sulfury smell to|||The "little gray-like bubble things" sound an awful lot like mold growth to me. Impossible to say for sure without seeing it, but my advice would be to toss it and not take any chances.

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