Sunday, January 8, 2012

Is it Ok to ask A Food survey?

I'm curious

1. Are Hot Dogs still OK when they are a Gray/Green color?

2. Does Mustard have a shelf life? It looks, smells and tastes the same as it did in 2007.

3. Why does Beef have to be aged? Weren't the Cows old enough to begin with?

4. Should Cheese always smell like dirty socks?

5. If a place says we only serve "natural" foods, aren't all foods kinda natural?

6. Is Kool-Aid less cool when it's at room temperature?

BQ: Do ya go to the food market just cuz it's free samples day?

Thanks Y'all|||1. Are Hot Dogs still OK when they are a Gray/Green color? LOL! NOT UNLESS YOU HAVE EXCELLENT HEALTH INSURANCE.

2. Does Mustard have a shelf life? It looks, smells and tastes the same as it did in 2007. I HAVE NO IDEA...I BET IT DOES

3. Why does Beef have to be aged? Weren't the Cows old enough to begin with? LMAO!! GREAT QUESTION!!

4. Should Cheese always smell like dirty socks? THE GOOD ONES...YES

5. If a place says we only serve "natural" foods, aren't all foods kinda natural? LOL! NOT THE ONE WITH PRESERVATIVES....

6. Is Kool-Aid less cool when it's at room temperature?YOU BET'CHA! LOL!

BQ: Do ya go to the food market just cuz it's free samples day? NO. I DON'T EAT THE FREE SAMPLES. THOSE PEOPLE SERVING PROBABLY HAVEN'T WASHED THEIR HANDS. EWW! LOL!|||1) the hot dogs might make a good toy now but no food.

2) We have mustard almost that old - I guess bacteria doesn't like mustard - neither does my daughter - does that make her a bacteria.

3) Yeah the young ones are used for veal and I think it sucks.

4) Well cheese is spoiled milk - what did you think it would smell like - it tastes good though

5) Natural foods - actually means no flavor foods.

6) LOL Kool-aid is only cool when you add a little vodka to the cherry flavored ones and make frozen pops for all the kiddies in kindergarden class.|||5. If a place says we only serve "natural" foods, aren't all foods kinda natural?

It's not considered natural because of human caused enhancements like fertilizers, or pesticide contaminates that protect the food. Humans also being a part of nature, and therefore the effects we cause also being natural are beside the point.|||1. Are Hot Dogs still OK when they are a Gray/Green color? If you have an iron stomach they are

2. Does Mustard have a shelf life? It looks, smells and tastes the same as it did in 2007. Ermmmm

3. Why does Beef have to be aged? Weren't the Cows old enough to begin with? Maybe they were calves?

4. Should Cheese always smell like dirty socks? Limburger cheese should.

5. If a place says we only serve "natural" foods, aren't all foods kinda natural? Not genetically engineered/modified foods.

6. Is Kool-Aid less cool when it's at room temperature? Kool Aid is ALWAYS kool!|||1. no

2. I have no idea

3. ^

4. ^

5. Not really

6. Yes

Most places that sell food here always have samples out so you know what it tastes like before you buy it|||curiosity killed the kitty!...


1 no

2 36 months ..tops!

3 i aint no butcher..

4 no! like 3 month old pillow cases.

5 means they havent been sprayed.. or tampered with

6 yes!.. its below cool.

BQ. yup!.. that .. and the cute red haired at the .beans and nuts counter..|||All very funny...

BA: Yes, Sam's is my favorite, gourmet food browsing, choice.|||Yes


Nope, its still good to use

They were but taste better aged

I am so pleased I don't buy the same cheese you do

Saying nothing...

Of course it is

Ya damn right I do|||Its okay..|||LOL.... No answers,,,just KUDO`S for the goofy Q`s ??? lol... HUGGSS|||1. it depends on when and where, if it was in some kind of BOILED dinner ..then yes, but is they were just sitting in the frig and they turned green, then NO....

2. as far as I know NO...........

3. most cows are under two years old when they give up their MEAT, and aging afterward makes it more tender, so why not just feed the cows meat tenderizer to begin with.....

4. no....just some does, my grandfather used to cut off the GREEN parts adn we would eat the rest....

5. no, not if they have had pesticides on them, and what in the is stuff like cheese whiz made out of


BQ: yes a lot of times, yes....especially if a new place is opening up....then no need to eat a meal, already ate at the supermarket

thank you


good luck|||Sure, it's OK.

1. Are Hot Dogs still OK when they are a Gray/Green color?

No, I would say not.

2. Does Mustard have a shelf life? It looks, smells and tastes the same as it did in 2007.

I don't think it ever really goes off - we keep ours in the fridge.

3. Why does Beef have to be aged? Weren't the Cows old enough to begin with?

Funny. It makes the meat more tender.

4. Should Cheese always smell like dirty socks?

It doesn't - I don't think so anyway.

5. If a place says we only serve "natural" foods, aren't all foods kinda natural?

There are lots of "foods" that are really more chemical than anything else.

6. Is Kool-Aid less cool when it's at room temperature?

Yes. Yes, it is.

BQ: Do ya go to the food market just cuz it's free samples day?

No, I mostly go when we run out of food.

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