Sunday, January 1, 2012

I have one question are you Happy?

I Have one question, Are you Happy??

our species is young and naive, when we could be brave, bold and enlightened. we choose shed everything for something new, we think we shed the weaker parts of ourselves with every bit of enlightenment in hopes betterment before we have come to truthfully understand black the white and the gray of it to truly know whats worth possessing and denying. in todays world there is no time for reflection to better ones self. Humans have existed for 160,000 years. Why did it take us that long to get to this point of our development? I have faith in the human condition. Do you think those with power would deny development and enlightenment? and what would develop us or enlighten us, love or hate?

Corporations , Banks are the new Aristocracy, there are generations of family put into Corporations, Banks, with growth through the proper action and the proper degree of paper you can climb faster. An is modern day serfdom with every other doing work to serve the market place of the "minimum pay." And like cattle for the slaughter we pick a wallet over our own hearts betterment and we are slaves through your benefits, retirement, health care, debt and schooling......... THEY own you and ....... everything can measured by a dollar, even life. every day they feed your fear through marketing metal terrorism "are you depressed " TV adds trying to numb our frustrations of the way things are trying to hide in the shadows of truth that we have the ability to change it together. Distracting our heart through the ideas of disappointing the ourselves and the people we love and care about talks of money and materialistic items...all of which are distractions with a smile.

Politicians always start out as the salesmen for the people. But it is through there pockets they are owned like any individual with who ever has the largest sum. giving up a piece of themselves, for the betterment of environment of the people they love and themselves in a evil good way not good evil, why not just good and evil. Every generations has a voice..but not every generation uses it. you could say we are the laziest generation...but who's gonna be picking up the national debt in the trillions in taxes???! who's gonna have no social security and who will have better?!! We look to them for safety and security instead of looking at ourselves and neighbors. we are having piles of **** dropped onto us and instead of protesting rallying peacefully in protest of this atrocity we see being done.. we sit copaceticlly and witness to a murder who says nothing is covered in just as much blood....instead of raising a voice we sit blindly in our fears and distractions....wat do you do?

i say all of this as a proud American, not a democrat, not a republican, politics are nothing but a distraction from the truth, there are no philosophers anymore who make there living as farmers who have 10 different political party's making less then a merchant like in Rome just two distraction who have forgotten who they represent...and progress is there enemy.

in love there is peace. to some love is wickedness and a weakness they have forgotten there heart and denied truth of there very existence and waste of ones life. its easier to sin( hate/fear) then it is to love and forgive. hate is learned and so is love, so what will you bestow upon your child, hate or love which will make him stronger in the end? the destruction around is a reflection of past and refraction of our future, how we approach all things alien and not within the norms of our society shows our ignorance and disrespect for all life, we are all children of the stars. all things were star dust and will be stardust again. . One of the oldest sites of human settlement is in Ethiopia, Africa; where our ancestors lived 160,000 years ago and for that many years what we learned in gained ..... what have burned and forgotten. all religion preaches love tolerance, balance, and respect...every prophet Jesus Muhammad Moses Buddha all preached these...but its easier to worship a individual then what they stood for died for and lived for. its easier to choose what easier, but it doesn't make it right to do so without reflecting on it.

2 wars, 10 years, the worst recession since the depression, discrimination based on who you are and love. do the sums out weigh the negatives or are we living backwards?what will you do? go back to your couch, and suffocate your fearful ears and cowardly mouth on the same old sunrise and sunset ?

I Have one question, Are you Happy??|||I counted at least 8 different questions.|||Happiness comes from within, when you understand that then you can be happy.|||this your brain on america.|||im so so|||wow, yes I am still happy, I refuse to let all this crap get to me.|||I am happy.|||I don't have the patience to read the rest of your I'll just say yes....I'm happy.

If you can't make a point in three sentences or're trying too hard.|||no are you?|||a lot of writing there

but yes thankyou i`m very happy :)))|||Why do I hear the Internationale in the background as I read this?|||I'd be happier with a smaller government. I get from your book that you think socialism is the embodiment of human enlightenment. Therefore ... you are only happy if I give you any thing I have that you dont.

You want a government the size of the universe, and no capitalism. I would rather have corrupt corporations in charge. Because if they piss me off ... I can make my voice heard. I can effect change much more easily than I can with a corrupt government. Do you have years and a ton of money to spend to change laws?

I am extremely happy because I am empowered by freedom. I hope you are typing from a computer in Africa where you are doing missionary work. You've given up all your worldly goods to love them, right?

God I hate that liberal utopia crap.

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