Sunday, January 1, 2012

I dodn't really like anime but I loved still love cowboy bebop. I need a new fix, and PRONTO.?

I don't care if most people who don't like anime still like cowboy bebop. I am here as a steadfast watcher of Television who isn't into overplayed genres but now is willing to try anime. (Welcome to the other side of the moon)

I like action, but I like how the they had equal mix of action and character down time.

For those who don't just follow anime as a sport but look for shows to actually like, you probably can skip this whole list of what I faced looking for a replacement. I'm sure you liked it for the same reasons I did.


Here are things I look for:

1) No japanese over exageration of facial expressions. It gets annoying. I know its imposing, but someone has to have done it.

1.5) Good Music. And not pop music. but I love do composers who pull from different genres, it sets the mood. I could get into a shpeal about good music in a series.

2) Action that is realistic. Not huge swords or a magic pair of boots. (I don't care how good she thinks she thinks she looks in them, Don't bring holy boots to a gun fight.)

3) No complex subplots. Frankly anime is my reserve for good action and good characters when I'm tired of watching reruns of cash cab and south park. Nothing ruins my experience like when I I started liking a character or the action just got good and then they pull away. You're breaking my balls here.

4) No romances, I never like a show for the romances.I will make exceptions if the show is good but otherwise ehhhhhh...

5) Constant addition of arbitrary characters with pointless backstories (i.e. D gray man-Miranda)

6) dragging out a story for more than one episode.

7) I want adult theme to be geared towards adults, not teenagers who want to see blood and sex in their shows. I'm only eighteen, but I honestly tried liking the over the top power actions. But I think that All this blood and gore and sex and drugs is a cover for bad everything else.

8) Good cinematography and detail. I know it isn't the right word but Stylism is always reflected in the cinematography. i.e. lighting, appropriate usage of background music and sound effects, And I don't like how the drawers use one big image for a dialogue scene, LAZY much?

8.5) I am not a cosplayer AND. I will NEVER be one, so if the characters constantly pose right before they fight, you have the wrong show.

9) Comedic relief

9.5) farfetched locations are a plus

10) I hate all these moral lectures. Don't try to find meaning in every thing, There are better ways to end episodes or series.

Basically, I want a series that runs like a usual detective series with a team, not one bad guy, you never get enough involvement and you stop caring about him, And I cannot stess this enough, NO POINTLESS FILLER. you can tell when even an animator is bored with their job.


Shows I liked, not necessarilly anime:

Pushing Daisies- Just even if it comes off awkward, it still is one of the best commitments to stylism I have ever seen.You'll know when you watch the short lived series.

Dr. Who(only with BIllie Piper)- Good chemistry. But I didn't like how it was committed to retaining the dalecks or the metal men without doing too much to them.

I really am just looking for a stylized show that just seems like it would sound good on paper.

All the shows I ended up liking sound so regular with some injected twist that the pitch men had to market to the studio.

Sorry if i bash a few anime's but I didn't like D gray man, Saiyuki, Naruto, tri gun and for good measure I ended up mentally coasting through Death notes. even the early ones were meh.

And please if you reply, don't say that Cowboy bebop is a one of a kind show that will live in our hearts forever.

And I heard of Samuri Champloo, Phantom: Requiem for a Phantom, black lagoon and ghost in a shell.

Please limit your responses to three shows, I don't feel like checking out every anime. Here's your chance to tell others why you like your shows. and have a legit discussion on television in general. I honestly like tv and I'm sure there are people who don't mind a discussion on the topic.|||Damn dude, that list is imposing. Here we go:

If you are looking for detectiveness I would recommend Detective Conan. It reminds me a lot of Law and Order.

Basilisk fits all the criteria pretty well but is a bit old. It's about two warring ninja clans trying to kill each other. It is very intense and I felt myself start really caring when one of my favorite ninja would get in a fight and possibly die. There is a romantic element to the story though if that is a big issue. Also very very dark.

Angel Beats- Honestly one of the best things I have ever watched. The stylistic aspects of the show I am sure you would appreciate. Also all of the characters are rewlly well done, and all of the important ones are developed enough and over time so it feels natural, there aren't that many instances where you feel like it is "this characters episode'.

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