Sunday, January 1, 2012

Help! interview clothes!?

First Of all I have no money for new clothes. And I dont have anyone to loan me money for new clothes.

I have a second interview tomorrow for a Entry level marketing position. And I have no idea what to wear I have one pair of black pants that have a small whole in the knee (i fell on the way to an interview) And the rest I have are grey and blue jeans, I have multiple shirts I could wear but I'm not sure if the blue and grey jeans are appropriate.

I also have a nice dress, but no leggings or tights of any kind. Please PLEASE help me.|||Definitely don't wear the pants with the hole. And do not wear jeans to an interview. This leaves you with the dress.

I empathize with the fact that you are low on funds, but if you want that job, you are going to have to put in a serious effort. See if you can at scrounge up at least $3 or $4 to buy some cheap pantyhose or tights. Normally, I never recommend generic, drug store pantyhose because they feel horrible and don't last. But for an interview, they are better than nothing. If the job offer came down to you and one other person, you wouldn't want to lose the offer just because the other person spent that extra $3 on a clothing accessory.

Also, depending on the firm, tights can be a gray area, so if you decide to go with tights, make sure you know beforehand that it's okay.|||You can wear the dress with a blazer and match it with a pair of heels or flats. Good Luck! :)|||You could just wear the dress! Or do you have a simple skirt? A pencil skirt with a nice blouse looks amazing! Good luck!

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