Sunday, January 1, 2012

Eight years from now:?

I woke up this morning to a cold gray day. Turned on the t.v. to see if there was anything new on the news this morning...yup, just as I suspected, no WMD's in Iran either...wish they'd figured that out before they bombed the place for half a decade.

I check my wallet. Looks like I have just enough ameros for a genetically modified banana at the super market. Oooh, but I better hurry though, as I've got to get to Kaiser so they can vaccinate me against the "new" disease that's out there.

I open the shabby door and walk out of my dilapidated apartment. It's a block to the market. As I walk, I reminisce of the days when I lived in my old home....the old home that was in the path of a future superhighway...they forced me to move. Now we have a merged economy with Canada and Mexico...I can hardly make enough ameros to even feed myself. Oh well, at least the already corrupt, wealthy corporations are getting wealthier.

Now I'm at the market. I walk inside to see a bunch of|||Wow, I didn't know it's possible to be this depressed (me, not you). I want Ron Paul to win more than ever now.

Cheers:(|||it will come true if obama goes in|||LMAO! Give it up already Ron Paul has ZERO chance besides he's a nut job!|||If the conservatives continue to sit back and do nothing about the falling value of the dollar it may be.

And cut the civil disobiedience police crap. If it were up to the conservatives the "N-word" would be allowed. Sheesh.|||lol|||no way McCain is elected|||Come join us in the comfort and safety of the Re-Education Camp. We'll be thriving there.

Can you cook good BBQed rat?

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