Sunday, January 8, 2012

What would you think of my protagonist if...?

They were transgendered?

I'm not going to kick them out of the story, but I'm wondering whether or not it would hurt my story's appeal for them to be the MC.

If it helps, it's a fantasy/action novel about the bermuda triangle, demons, con artists, and warfare. I'm being vague to protect my idea, of course. His (well, physically her) name is Alex Pruitt, is an older teenager, reddish brown hair and gray eyes.

It wouldn't phase me personally, i do happen to be friends with some transgendered people, but I don't want to put too big a dent in my potential market. Make no mistake, Alex is *not* being removed. I'm just wondering whether or not I should make him the protagonist, as he was originally going to be.

Thanks in advance (;|||I'd probably like it all the more- At least, I'd respect you more as a writer. Now you have to know that that would keep some people from reading it, possibly a lot of people, but if the story was good enough, you could probably make up for the difference. Maybe don't start out with the reader immediately knowing that Alex is actually a girl. That way, they've got some time to get attached to Alex and like him. They'll be less likely to ditch the book because of Alex's gender if they're hooked on the story or they care about him.

youve got balls, buddy. i hope to read about alex one day. (:|||Along with your plot, the transgendered idea makes it sound really good. But if I were you, I wouldn't introduce Alex as a transgender immediately. Make it the climax of the story, and come up with some crazy action scene to go with it, I personally LOVE that kind of climax.

I say go for it.

Good luck!|||um....i think it would come as a nice surprise in the MIDDLE of the story, like as your big finale. at the beginning, i dont know. when someone asks, i do not prejudice against transgendered, but possibly subconsciously i do...???? i dont know, but i wouldnt mind a bit if it was a shocker.

good luck!|||There's people out there who wouldn't pick up your book once they found out the protagonist was transgender, but its your book. Write it for yourself and see where it goes from there.|||I'd be happy to read a book about a transgendered character.|||I really like the idea of a transgendered main character. It would definitely set them apart from your typical protagonist of a fantasy novel. But like others are saying, it would most likely hurt your amount of readers by a lot, since most people probably aren't comfortable with the idea of a transgendered person. Maybe do what other people have said? Bring up that fact about Alex later on in the story, if at all possible? There's a small chance it could help. But yeah, if you're seriously worried about your marketing potential, then you might be better off with making Alex a secondary character (as much as I hate to say it).

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