Sunday, January 1, 2012

What does this dream mean?

My dream has parts that may be irrelevant but bare with me.

It started with my mom asking my cousin [let's say his name is Nick] and i to get waffles o.O from the supermarket [i haven't seen him for about 4-6 years but he looked as if he were 6 again]

Nick and i leave and somehow i end up holding 2 skateboards. One has only one set of trucks with wheels and the other board is ride-able. We walk up to this really steep hill and i just look down, seeing all the cars pass. I look back up and Nick is already half way down. I get on my board to go down this hill but with one foot on it, balancing. I told myself to put both feet on the board. Instead, while im going down this hill, i end up grabbing the other board with only on truck on it, setting it in front of the good board and skidding the rest of the way down.

When I stop, Nick and I walk into the supermarket looking for the freezers. On our way to the freezers, there are two workers putting food into the meat section. On his trolley [what ever you want to call it] it looked like a TV dinner was about to fall so i grabbed it, set it on top of the other items and somehow it fell, making it worse. The workers just stared at me and i turned around to walk away embarrassed and with a grin on my face.

Nick and I eventually got to the freezers but the waffles weren't there. We go upstairs, not there either. We ended up asking this tall, bald, black guy who looks like my moms friend in real life. At this point, Nick disappeared. So this guy shows me another floor that him and his co-worker used to make homemade waffles and put them into the Eggo boxes. He disappears too, so im alone in this small boxed room look in the freezer for the waffles. When i find them i grab a plastic bag put all of them in there and start going back downstairs. When im at the middle of the staircase i look to see who's in the market and no ones in here. I go outside and it's dark now. I find Nick and as i'm about to leave the guy that pointed me to the waffles pulls up in a car with his wife. His wife gets out gives me a hug says hello then we hear a kid laughing in the supermarket. The guy gets out his car walks inside the market and calls out the name Vinny. When the man and I look up, we see these little soldier action figures, the size of my palm, fall down to the floor. The toys landed upright pointing straight at us with the plastic gun. We look up again and the ceiling is starting to collapse. We run outside, and I turn around to face the entrance of the market and this staircase appears and you see the little boy on his stomach, on hand reaching out to me and the other hand on a stair giving his torso a lift. Then out of nowhere fire starts to flame around him and everything fades to black and i wake up.

i know that's pretty long but lately, as crazy as it sounds, i think my dreams have been trying to tell me something. Couple nights before, i had a dream that there was a hole in my arm and the first time i looked at it it was a bright flesh color pink. Like when you pick a scab and its pink cause it's not fully healed, that color and when i looked at it again it was black so i touched it and it was like car oil or something similar to that. Couples days later, in another dream i had a bucket of paint in my hands and it spilled and this gray/silver paint splattered all over the floor. I looked up what colors in dreams meant and they told me this "Gray indicates fear, fright, depression, ill health, ambivalence and confusion. You may feel emotionally distant or detached. Silver represents justice and purity. It is symbolic of some protective energy."

I just want a better understanding of all this.|||Dreams are often extremely personal and hold symbols that only the dreamer can relate to. While there ARE many universal symbols (falling, flying, etc.), you also need to look for your own triggers in dreams. For example, if waffles make you feel special, loved and 'at home', the chaos and confusion at the supermarket where you got the waffles may indicate that there is some underly trouble at home that is stressing you out. The small children in the dream may represent you and things making you feel like a child again - or they may represent a younger sibling, if you have one.

I much prefer to keep a 'dream journal' and log not only the details of the dreams I have, but how they make me feel - scared, happy, nervous, whatever. I also log what my days are like before and after, then over time, I try to see common threads, feelings and events. Eventually, you will come to recognize your own symbols and be able to interpret your own dreams. For example, it did not take me long to realize that a car in my dreams represented my own life/freedom - and when I dreamed about trying to drive the car from the back seat, it meant I felt out of control of my own life and in jeopardy of losing my freedom. Once I knew that, I could look around my life, figure out what triggered this feeling - and change it.

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