Sunday, January 1, 2012

Paint colors???

Okay my husband and I are updating our condo and we are going to put it back on the market in Feb. 09 I have painted the livingroom a nice tan color called Toffee looks great, so anyways I want to paint both bedrooms a light blue/gray color do you think this would appeal to most buyers or should I keep the walls white? Also what do you think about carpet color if I did the blue/gray walls?

To see color I'm thinking of go to and look up - Cloudy Day|||go fits everybodys personalities. your selling. dont stick to just one target consumer by making it fit to limited personalities|||If your selling, best to go neutrals, it sells faster than some of the awful colors people put in. Cloudy Day is a nice color.

IF the walls are already neutral and still looks good, just leave it. Most people buy and change it to their personal taste. Presentation is everything when it comes to selling...clean, organized and tidy homes sell way better. Real estate agents can offer you some tips too.

Good luck selling your condo.|||a light gray would be nice..but the blue..i wouldnt recommend if you are going to put it on the market...when using colors like a lot of people cant see themselves in the space..

keep the walls pretty neutral and away from your personal taste and more into what anyone could like and adapt to...and the neutral colors would be easier to paint of the new owners wanted|||I don't think you should keep the bedrooms white. "Cloudy Day" is beautiful but I'm afraid it will look too blue once it's up...go a few shades lighter. Or you could paint a very VERY light shade of the toffee crunch in the bedrooms...with white trim . As for carpet, I think a soft sandy color is always good...not too dark and not too light. Gray is too cold looking and not at all cozy.|||I think you should stay neutral and definately more earth tones than cool tones. Earth tones give the home a more warm feeling, which is more homey and that is what buyers are looking for, to feel at home.|||Cloudy Day is a very good color choice. It is color, but neutral and calming. I would go with a natural berber rug or very light brown. Good luck selling your place.|||I would go neutral. Any other color scheme, might hurt your chances of selling. Good luck!!

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